Tips For Working From Home / by VANESSA VARIN

1. Wear pants

Wearing a bathrobe, pajamas, last nights outfit, etc....that has a huge psychological impact into how seriously you will take your day (or not). While wearing a suit and tie is a bit overboard (you do you!), wearing an outfit you would not be ashame…

Wearing a bathrobe, pajamas, last nights outfit, etc....that has a huge psychological impact into how seriously you will take your day (or not). While wearing a suit and tie is a bit overboard (you do you!), wearing an outfit you would not be ashamed to be seen in public in puts you in a better frame of mind to take on your work day. 

2. Create a schedule


I always start my day by mapping out my schedule and ensuring that my lunch break is accounted for and I have a few breaks in between the day to go outside, stretch or grab a coffee away from the computer is in there. Working from home sometimes makes people feel like they need to be glued to their computer at all times, and we lose precious time to give our brains a break or detach from work. 

3. Don't do chores while working


I don't mean don't do chores AT ALL during the day, but particularly during conference calls or periods when you are interacting with your coworkers or expected to be in the throws of a project. It puts your home work above your work work and perspective is key when working from home. 


4. Exercise


Working from home can wreak havoc on your waist line. You are around the tasty food that you like, you are walking less, and just generally less active. I always schedule a long walk before I sign into work and one during lunch. I also started spinning at the end of my day to get out all of that pent up energy I didn't release throughout the day. 

5. Create an inspiring/defined working space


When I moved into my current apartment, I made sure there was a space I could use as a home office. I took a lot of time collecting pieces and furniture that would inspire me during the day, put me in the mood to work, and handle my technology hardware. Having an office that I can close the door on work overnight helps me decompress and disengage from work. 

6. No napping!


Perhaps controversial, but I never take naps during a workday because it slows me down and leaves me lethargic the rest of the day. While it is tempting to see my couch/comfy bed from my office and dream of taking in some ZZzzz's, I avoid lounging around and napping. 

I do have more tips but I honestly need to take a nap right now...